Information and images below provided to us by The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride.
Our inaugural event started in Sydney and quickly made its way around the world with thousands of dapper folks riding in solidarity to positively represent the global motorcycling community.

11,000 Riders | $277,000 AUD Raised
145 Cities
Carrying on the momentum from 2012, DGR began supporting Prostate Cancer Research by partnering with Prostate Cancer Foundation Australia. Participant numbers sky-rocketed, and DGR began to spread even further.

20,000 Riders | $1,500,000 Raised
257 Cities | 58 Countries
After a successful campaign, DGR began partnerships with Prostate Cancer UK, Prostate Cancer Canada, Prostate Cancer Foundation USA and Prostate Cancer Foundation New Zealand. We also began our long-term partnership with Triumph Motorcycles, who continue to support DGR as Global Partner for 2020.

37,000 Riders | $2,300,000 Raised
410 Cities | 79 Countries
After an exciting 2014, DGR showed no sign of slowing down in 2015. The event continued to grow in riders, funds raised, and the number of cities taking part. Our global community was forming, and the DGR passion boomed.

57,000 Riders | $3,600,000 Raised
505 Cities | 90 Countries
This year, we began partnering with Movember as our official charity partner for DGR. In this year, impacted by the loss one of our ride hosts to suicide, we were driven to create change and awareness and funds for men’s mental health programs. Together with Movember, we have proudly continued to include a men’s mental health focus alongside our prostate cancer goals ever since.

94,000 Riders | $4,850,000 Raised
581 Cities | 92 Countries
2017 surged ahead with fundraising reaching new heights. Driven by the inclusion of men’s mental health to our prostate cancer fundraising, the DGR community proved how meaningful its cause areas are, and how dedicated our riders are to making positive change.

114,000 Riders | $6,100,000 Raised
648 Cities | 102 Countries
Reaching a new high, DGR raised over $6 million raised, over 600 cities, and 100 countries in 2018. These milestones continue to prove how incredible our community is!

116,000 Riders | $6,000,000 Raised
678 Cities | 104 Countries
Backing up the achievements from last year, 2019 did not disappoint! We came together again to make a ground-breaking change to men’s health, and continue to fund life-saving research. And for 2020, we’re ready to do it all again!

56,000 Riders | $2,700,000 Raised
2,531 Cities | 171 Countries
With COVID-19 affecting the world, we launched our Ride Solo campaign. Riding together on the same day, socially distanced but globally connected!

65,000 Riders | $4,100,000 Raised
913 Cities | 116 Countries
As COVID-19 continued to limit group rides, we opened the ride to three formats allowing riders to take part together or individually.

94,000 Riders | $6,040,000 Raised
804 Cities | 101 Countries
2022 marked the first year of returning to full-scale riding events. The DGR community rallied around the world to celebrate riding together again, reminding us all of the importance of social connections and physical events.

106,000 Riders | $7,450,000 Raised
893 Cities | 107 Countries
A record-breaking year with the highest-ever fundraising for a single event, and the most cities taking place. 2023 celebrated a milestone 10-year partnership with Triumph and the continued funding of many incredible initiatives for men’s health.

For more info on what casues The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride supports head over to their website:
Riding For Men’s Health
Movember Movember has been the official charity partner of The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride since 2016. Both organisations share a simple goal: to bring people together and change the face of men’s health.
Funds raised by The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride help to power Movember’s work across two of the most complex issues facing men around the globe: prostate cancer and mental health.
Globally, prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men. Over 10 million men around the world are living with or beyond a prostate cancer diagnosis.
What is prostate cancer?
When cells in the prostate multiply too quickly and grow out of control, this creates a cancerous tumour. Often, this type of cancer grows slowly and doesn’t cause big problems right away. Sometimes, however, prostate cancer can be fast-growing and spread to other parts of the body, causing major damage. Catching cancer early, so that your doctor can keep an eye on it and recommend next steps, is ideal. If the cancer is caught later, you may still have options to work through with your healthcare team that put your quality of life first.
What are the risk factors for prostate cancer?
Prostate is particularly common in men over 50. If you’re 50 or over, it’s important to talk to your GP about keeping yourself healthy and any ongoing tests you may need as part of your health check-ups. If you have a family history of prostate cancer or sub-Saharan African ancestry, you need to start that conversation earlier at 40 to 45. Guidelines can be different, depending on where you live — so check with your doctor.
If you or someone you know are facing a prostate cancer diagnosis, click here to visit True North. True North is a website developed by Movember to help men find advice on prostate cancer treatments, common changes to sex and intimacy, unexpected bathroom trips, and much more.
Globally, on average, we lose one man to suicide every minute of every day. That’s half a million men every year. The issue of suicide is incredibly complex. But we know this: improving overall mental health and helping men establish better social connections can reduce the risk of suicide.
Simple steps to important conversations
A conversation can change, maybe even save, a life. Our friends at RUOK? have developed a simple four-step guide to help you navigate a conversation with someone who might be doing it tough.
Ask. Start by asking how they’re feeling. It’s worth mentioning any changes you’ve picked up on – like spending more time at the bar or they’ve gone quiet in the group chat.
Listen. Give them your full attention, no distractions. Let them know you’re hearing what they’re saying and you’re not judging.
Encourage action. Help them focus on simple things that might improve how they feel. Are they getting enough sleep? Exercising and eating well? Have they got others in their life that they trust to speak with? If they’ve felt low for more than two weeks, suggest that they chat to their doctor.
Check in. Suggest you catch up soon – in person if you can. This helps to show that you care; plus, you’ll get a feel for whether they’re feeling any better. Starting conversations with men who are struggling may seem daunting. But getting them to open up can be easier with practice. Movember has built an online conversation simulator called Movember Conversations to help give you the confidence to talk with men who may be struggling. Take it for a spin.
For more info on what causes
The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride supports head over to their website: